Two Packers fans and their take on the world. (Yet.)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Not-So-Frozen (Yet) Tundra

I gotta' say I'm really proud of my best buddy, Bob. I was wonderin' if this was even gonna' work at all. Bob's the kinda' guy who strikes you like he wouldn't know a computer from the hole in his head (long story -- ask him sometime). Like, last week, if you'da' asked me, "Hey, der, Jeff, does Bob know how ta log on to the internet?" I'da been like, "Bob? You say 'log on' ta Bob, he's thinkin' it's time to stoke the fire!"

But, apparantly not so. He may be adepter at this than me!

So's, since I'm speaking of puttin' a log on the fire, I gotta' say, what's with the weather?! Cripes, it's mid-November and it was 63° yesterday! At this rate, the lake ain't even gonna' freeze until after the Playoffs! It's gonna' be right tough for me and Bob to do our annual shanty show on the radio. Instedda' bein' out on the ice, we may have to set all dat equipment up in like a aluminum boat or somethin'. (Maybe we can borrow Spike's pontoon.) Either way, I think Doreen's gonna' be none-too-happy wit me out there like that, fixin' to electrocutionize myself. Hopefully, the tundra will start ta freeze right around the time the Pack comes back from their trip down to Texas (where they will surely smote those southern hick "Texans" -- hey, great name, huh? Imagine if we were that original and were the Green Bay Wisconsinites... sheesh). The Rams are used to all dat soft, cushy, rug-burn-inducing turf... it'd be nice to smack their faces down into some nice, hard, unforgiving, made-by-nature (and God himself) Lambeau grass in a coupla' weeks.

I still can't believe we gotta' leave that for our last two games this season. Christmas Eve in a dome... in Minneapolis?!? I think Tagliabue's due for a retirement package, eh?



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